

September 22, 2024

Vecka 39


A.) EMOM 9 Min
Min 0-3: 1 power clean + 1 hang power clean + 3 push press
Min 4-6: 1 power clean + 1 hang power clean + 2 push press
Min 7-9: 1 power clean + 1 hang power clean + 1 push press
-Increase weight by feel.

B.) Reverse flyes: 3×12-15 reps

C.) 3 Rounds for time
5 wall walks
18 pull-ups
400m Run


A.) Tempo back squat: 5-5-5-3-3 reps @30X2

B.) Bulgarian split squat: 3 x 10/10 reps

C.) 3min ON 1Min OFF x 4 (Total time 16min)
8 Power snatch 43/30kg
12 Push-ups
20 Air squats
-Go through the amrap for three minutes then rest for one minute. On the next interval start where you finished on the one before.


A.) 3 Supersets
3-5 Weighted pull-ups
5-10 Weighted push-ups

B.) 3 Supersets
5-8 Weighted Dips
15-30s Chin over bar hold

C.) For time:
50 Wall balls 9/6kg
50 Jumping chest to bar pull-ups
50 American kettlebell swings 24/16kg
50 Medball sit-ups
50 Hand release push-up
50 Double unders / 150 Single unders



A.) EMOM 10min
5 Cleans 70/50kg – AMRAP squat jump to plate (20kg) until the end of the minute.
-Work one minute at a time, add up the total amount of squat jumps at the end.

B.) For time:
60 Kcal row
60 DB/KB Thrusters 2×16/2x12kg
60 Box jumps 60/50cm
60 Deadlifts 80/55kg

One the side: 100 burpees.

-One person starts performing reps on the “chipper” while the other one starts on the burpees. When all the reps are completed you’re done.


A.) 3 Supersets
8-12 DB bench press
12 Ring rows

B.) 3 Supersets
10 Barbell rows
8-12 Ring push-ups / push-ups

C.) 3 Supersets
8 Barbell curls
10 Seated DB tricep extension behind neck

D.) 3 Rounds not for time
15 Banded push-downs
15-20 Bench dips
20 Alternating DB hammer curls